Day One – Tuesday May 17th, 2011
10:00-11:00 am
AR and Entertainment
Production Track (Great America K – First Floor)
Brian Selzer (President, Ogmento) – Changing the way we play
From smartphones to wearables; from markers to natural features… Our evolution is to converge with technology and augment the world along the way. This talk on Geo-Social Augmented Reality Gaming will explore current practices, concepts for tomorrow, and makes the case that location-based, multiplayer games utilizing computer-vision will play a significant role in shaping our evolution as a society. From touch-screens to cyber-vision; from massive-multiplayer to swarm-consciousness; from search-queries to super-human intelligence… its all part of the fun! Want to play?
Tony Howlett (Ingz) – Starships and Aliens Live in AR Space: Traveller AR
Did you know there are aliens and starships hovering over your hometown right now? You can see them only through the Augmented Reality portal that is Traveller AR. Traveller-AR is an iPhone Space Game set in the Traveller universe (an established Pen & Paper RPG since 1977). Ingz, Inc. is brining the Traveller universe to life in your hometown.
Tony Howlett, President of IngZ., Inc., will demonstrate some of the Augmented Reality features of the game, including the ability to see and interact with starships, planets, and more that hover in Augmented Reality space over Santa Clara.
Josh Shabtai (Vertigore) – Star Wars: Falcon Gunner
Augmented reality gaming can generally be divided into two groups:
1) The kind that requires sophisticated visual recognition technology, user experiences that are too complex for most people, and/or PC-based webcams.
2) The kind that lets you bring TIE Fighters into your living room.
This demo focuses on the latter, showcasing Star Wars Arcade: Falcon Gunner for iOS, which was named by Apple as one of its “Best of 2010″ apps for its immersiveness and pick-up-and-play gameplay.
In addition to real-time gameplay, this demo will touch on Falcon Gunner’s design methodology, which focused on user experience at all costs — even if that meant jettisoning some of the “high technology” commonly associated with augmented reality gaming.