
Track: Business
Date: Thursday, June 3
Time: 10:00am – 11:00am
Room: Ballroom H

Augmented Reality: Pitching to Creative Advertising Agencies; Our Experiences
Nitin Samani, Augmented Planet
Companies and brands are beginning to take notice of augmented reality. With new channels changing the way and place that we reach consumers, digital marketing expenditure is on the rise. This session examines augmented reality solutions that have been successful in complimenting a digital marketing campaign and educates on how to pitch this technology into businesses.

Mobile Media and Out-of-Home Advertising
Chris Grayson, Gigantico

Living Identity
Ben Wolstenholme, CEO, Moving Brands
Moving Brands’ creative use of technology has resulted in a number of impressive “firsts” across a broad range of media, including the first interactive streaming advertisements, the first moving advertisement on a PDA, the first live broadcasts transmitted from Outer Mongolia via portable Satellite, and the first augmented reality cover linked to social media: www.movingbrands.com/livingidentity

AR Implementation in Indonesia
Michael Budi, AugmentedReality&Co

AR for Retail, Museums, Tourism, Games, and More
Takahito Iguchi, Tonchidot

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