Track: Production
Date: Wednesday, June 2
Time: 3:00pm – 3:30pm
Room: 209-210
Speakers Include:
Mixed Reality Experiential Learning Landscapes: Telling a Big Story in a Small Space
Christopher Stapleton, Simiosys
Mobile AR for Civic Apps: The Viz*it Iron Age Experience (Indoor/Outdoor Museum Case Study)
Ron Edwards, Ambient Performance
The Viz*It Iron Age Experience was recently produced by Ambient Performance with Hampshire County Council, the largest county in the United Kingdom to bring the Iron Age to life in the Museum of the Iron Age and at the ancient monument Danebury Hill Fort. It was chosen as a demonstration of visualizing civic information to explore new business models and governement applications and was part funded by the UK Technology Strategy Board. Viz*It launched in March, 2010, and features an animated 3D warrior, videos with professional narration and a mix of existing and new imagery from the museum including laser scanned skulls and other objects found at the Hil Fort. This presentation will feature an overview of the project, feedback, and next steps to commercialize the service.