Hermaton: Enter the Grid

Hermaton: Enter the Grid

Nomination for Auggie Award: Best Mobile AR App Creator: Sahar Fikouhi Organization: Darf Design =*=*=*= Description: Hermaton is an augmented reality exploration game designed as a large scale spatial installation, which follows from our initial architectural prototype for “Grid”. Although available at table top versions, the premise of this project lies in its capacity to harness augmented reality as a spatial medium which transcends mere visualisation and enters a dialogue between physical and digital space. The large scale of the installation allows a greater understanding of how augmented reality can affect us at an architectural level and change the way we inhabit and perceive the built environment. The project uses a buzz wire maze which people can navigate through in real-time, attempting to interact with the digital objects of the “Hermaton” machine. The design of this environment provides both an interactive and performance space which allows the user to fully immerse in a new augmented physical landscape. The AR system is enlarged to occupy an entire room by covering each wall with trackable markers which can be experienced on both Android and ios devices. The prototype was developed using Vuforia Augmented Reality SDK and Unity3d. Where to find it: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/hermaton/id645299043?ls=1&mt=8 Platforms: Mobile Additional Screenshots:...

Sahar Fikouhi

Sahar Fikouhi

I am a London based designer and co-founder of Darf design, working predominantly with augmented reality and mobile technology. Having trained in both architecture and computation, I have previously worked as an architect for a number of companies, including Foster and Partners, where I was focused on seeking new computational strategies for architectural design practices. Recently graduated from a Masters in architecture from UCL, where my work was predominantly based on creating spatial propositions using hybrid digital and physical spaces which transcend the limitations of material architecture. Our work at Darf design is a continuation of this study and focused on creating meaningful spaces of interaction and discourse through digital technology....