Hyperfabric Fashion
Nomination for Auggie Award: Best Mobile AR App Creator: Marga Weimans & AugmentNL Organization: Marga Weimans /AugmentNL =*=*=*= Description: With Google Glass being worn as a fashion statement on a catwalk last year, augmented reality did have its premiere in the world of fashion. But during Amsterdam Fashion Week in januari 2013, fashion designer Marga Weimans took that development one step further, by launching the first ever full-blown augmented reality dress. Not by just printing a 2D AR marker on a piece of clothing, but by using 3D-tracking and an occlusion effect, enabling the augmented additions to weave around the wearer of the “hyperfabric” dress. With her interdisciplinary approach to fashion (even integrating elements of architecture in her creations) Marga Weimans always had to deal with limitations related to the physical wearability of her creations. But not anymore! Her exploration of the “hyperfabric” material has brought the infinite possiblities of virtual reality into the real world. Concepts that could previously not be created “for real” (even though drawing the distinction between real and not real based on tangibility, is something of the past) can now be realised, even become pret-a-porter, because hyperfabric has the advantage of being super leightweighted, despite its expansive scale. The hyperfabric dress is a showcase of the new possibilities opened up for fashion designers, allowing them to work with flexible designs appearing on certain ‘base creations’. Clothing that can be updated from a distance, or adapt automatically, possibly based on geo-locations or even the change of seasons. Assuming that a ‘Glass future’ is on the horizon, of course, with audiences having an eye for their semi-digital surroundings. The augmented reality dress is the result of a cooperation between Marga Weimans and the augmented reality experts Luciano Pinna and Sander Veenhof of AR agency AugmentNL.com. The 3D scan was created using the Metaio Toolbox and a Junaio channel holding the virtual component of the dress is available to anyone lucky enough to be in the vicinity of the one-off copy of the handmade creation. Where to find it: Upcoming presentations of the dress will be listed on the web-page. Platforms: Mobile Additional Screenshots:...