

Nomination for Auggie Award: Best AR for Enterprise   Creator: Alejandro Villarán Vázquez Organization: Seabery Soluciones =*=*=*= Description: Even in our days, with unemployment ratios never seen before, there is a big lack of skilled professionals to attend demands of industry (naval, aeronautics, automotive, mining, oil&gas, petroleum, infrastructure, etc.) worldwide, with special focus in emerging countries. The main reason is that to get the right skills, a lot of real practice time is needed, and this is complicated, dangerous, environmental damaging and specially expensive (consumables, electrodes, metal, gases, etc.) in disciplines like welding. We have designed Seabery Augmented Training and its first application, SOLDAMATIC AUGMENTED TRAINING, to attract more young people to technical careers, and give training institutions the opportunity to train more people, in less time, better qualified, cheaper, safer, environmentally friendly and promoting female participation in a traditionally male industry, proposing not just the most realistic simulation experience ever seen but also at a price that most of the training institution can achieve. After 3 years of research and development, we achieved SOLDAMATIC AUGMENTED TRAINING commercial version some months ago, and the realism of Augmented Reality over our virtual reality competitors is really delighting the market. We have signed 11 distribution agreements to sell SOLDAMATIC AUGMENTED TRAINING in more than 10 countries (Russia, Hungary, South Africa, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman, Chile, Colombia, Bolivia, etc.) at the moment, and are negotiating in other 20. We are contributing to spread Augmented Reality capabilities worldwide, and you know what? We are really enjoying! We are currently working in new applications of our Augmented Training technology for medical training, explosives manipulation, metal mechanic works, and more than 20 applications suggested by the market. In addition we have started our development to make our technology available from mobile devices, to enhance e-learning experience, so that not just theory, but also first practices can be realized from anywhere, using students smartphones. Thank You very much for the opportunity to present our technology in your promising cluster! This is just the beggining of aumented era… Where to find it: The best way to experiment it is trying it! We will be expositors in AWE, in the meanwhile, you can have a look at some of our videos in our SOLDAMATIC channel in Youtube Platforms: Stationary Device Additional Screenshots:...