
Day One – Tuesday May 17th, 2011

4:10-5:10 pm

Emerging Mobile Hardware for AR

Technology Track  (Great America 1-2 – Second Floor)

Noah Zerkin (Integrated Realities) – Hands-on AR: Wearable input devices from Open Hardware

Leon Farasati (Qualcomm) – Optimizing on Qualcomm’s Snapdragon Mobile Dev Platform

Qualcomm recently launched its Snapdragon Mobile Development Platform (MDP). A fully-integrated development platform for creating, testing and optimizing mobile apps for Snapdragon-powered devices. The MDP gives developers early access to leading edge API?s and next generation features and comes loaded with tools such as Trepn profiler for power and performance optimization. Come learn what type of experiences are possible with augmented reality (AR) on Qualcomm?s new Snapdragon MDP at this hands on session.

Bernard Fraenkel, (CTO, Total Immersion) Future of Tablet AR

How the power of tablets (GPU, CPU) change mobile AR.

Speaker TBA

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