
Day Two – Wednesday May 18th, 2011

9:00-10:00 am

Using AR to Change the World

Business Track  (Great America J – First Floor)

Pamela Rutledge, Garry Hare, Jerri Lynn Hogg (The Media Psychology Research Center)

AR has tremendous potential to engage.  This panel discusses the ways in which this power can be harnessed for education, advocacy, and social change.   Topics covered include:  1) how AR psychologically transforms experience, 2) how geo-located AR blurs the lines between learning and play, 3) an application of AR that redefines cognitive education, and 4) the impact of real time information of the socio-political environment.

Pamela Rutledge AR: Broadband for the Brain

Mobile technologies are creating a profound psychological shift in how we expect to get and use information and are driving our interaction into the physical world.  AR is the logical extension of this phenomenon.  AR allows us to engage more meaningfully with the environment because it is holistic, visual, and self-relevant.  But cutting-edge technology alone isn?t enough to deliver meaningful engagement.  Using examples, this segment will explore how the brain processes information and how positive psychology can be the key to creating more effective, engaging, and meaningful apps.

Garry Hare The World Becomes the Classroom

The combination of geo-location, on-demand information, and AR fundamentally changes our ability to control our environment.  Geo-based AR creates opportunities for situated cognition, immersive learning, and redraws our cognitive maps?positively altering perceptions of our community and ourselves.  From Alternate Reality Games to Education, AR allows us to interact with and manipulate our world, supporting interpersonal and civic engagement. This segment will illustrate how this opens the door for more creative applications of AR, blurring the boundaries between learning, play, and social change.

Jerri Lynn Hogg The Socio/Political Impact of Real Time Information

Can putting immersive media tools in the hands of students fundamentally change cognitive education?  What is the impact of real time information?  The merging of AR and immersive media tools with learning theory, cognition and positive psychology points us in the direction of systemic educational change.  Imagined Communities is one example, apply GIS and AR tools to community enabling students to re-imagine and recreate their community and their future.  Such innovation ushers in new forms of technology based education affecting both traditional and adult learners.

Jennifer Huang and Marlo McKenzie – Sacred Land Film Project

What if we could use augmented reality to reconnect people to the land and through this technology driven connection, rekindle respect for the earth?  ?Finding Sacred Ground? is a multi-platform locative augmented reality experience designed for mobile applications specifically to serve as a bridge to connect our tech savvy society to the land we live on and ultimately protect the earth’s sacred places.

In this presentation we will discuss our project “Finding Sacred Ground” and our hopes for protecting ecosystems and conserving land by using mobile platforms and augmented reality. We will discuss ideas incubated at the Bay Area Video Coalition?s (BAVC) new media producers? workshop where we had the great opportunity to work closely with leading augmented reality developer Anselm Hook to refine “Finding Sacred Ground” and develop a working prototype. We will also discuss the role of our partners at the National Park Service and steps towards gaining funding for this project using the non-profit model.

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