
Day Two – Wednesday May 18th, 2011

11:30-12:30 pm

Visual Intelligence

Technology Track  (Great America 1-2 – Second Floor)

Shailesh Nalawad (Google Goggles) – AR Vector: Solving AR Challenges

Dr. Alex Kilpatrick (Tactical Information Systems) – cloud-based platform for biometric matching

Laurent Gil (CEO, Viewdle) – What’s next for mobile AR: Face Recognition on Smartphones

The presenter will guide attendees through sample augmented reality applications and usage scenarios, outlining lessons learned and the very real possibilities of augmented reality on mobile devices. The speaker will take a case study approach to dissect the technology, hardware and software elements that make up augmented reality, and best practices of application development for smartphones in the coming years. The session will explore how augmented reality is progressing smartphone’s potential for increasing average revenue per user, while revolutionizing how users consume media, social networking, social marketing, games, instructional aids, etc. Attendees will understand how augmented reality and face recognition technologies will enable a natural tie for mobile devices into social networks, creating more dynamic interactions than those seen with current-day devices.

John DeWeese and Otavio Good (Quest Visual) – Word Lens

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