
Track: Production
Date: Thursday, June 3
Time: 1:30pm – 2:15pm
Room: 209-210

The new face of UX: Standard Interactions with AR
Tony Fernandes, theUEgroup
Over the last several decades, standard GUI conventions have been adopted that allow interoperability between multiple platforms, operating systems, and devices. This level of standardization has allowed both PC and mobile devices to be widely adopted. With the emergence of commercially viable AR, gestures, manipulation, perception, and control have be driven in very different directions by different vendors. This session will revolve around the exploration of this issue and why all commercial companies in the AR space need to start addressing the issue seriously.

Context Is King: AI, Salience, and the Constant Next Scenario
Clark Dodsworth, Osage
Even today, some say “AR is location-driven graphic overlays.” As part of the transition to mobile broadband, AR is most importantly the fulcrum for a major change in how we manage the information overload that’s constantly available. Our need to make good use of such a small interface is driving crucial alterations in how we select what information to be aware of. AR is a path to context-aware, hyper-personalized, adaptive information delivery, no matter what displays are used. Clark will describe the model for this method, and how we’ll get there.

Advanced User Interfaces for AR
whurley, Chaotic Moon Studios

A New Interface in AR Games
Oriel Bergig

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