
Special thanks for the wonderful group of (mostly) volunteers with tremendous passion for the Augmented World who went above and beyond to make the event successful:

  • Tish Shute – Chief Content Officer
  • Andrea Lowery, Patty Walters – For running the event operations flawlessly
  • Dan and Kelli Ambrosi – Marketing
  • Mary Ellen Ynes and The Zeno Group – PR
  • Nik Hallin, Cara Koenig, Rosa Ramirez, Josh Cardenas – Graphic Design
  • Sean Lowery – Event Guide
  • Brian Wassom – Legal Advice, and sessions moderation
  • Shayne Spencer, Nicole Gonzales, and the ThinkWork Media team – Website Development
  • Tom Hubka and the VTM group – Finance
  • Paula Turk – Artist and Speaker Support
  • Andrew Couch, Gilda Campos, and Catchoom – Official AWE Mobile App Development
  • Joe Rampolla, Miguel Sanchez, Bobby Simpson – AWE.tv and ar.org Community forum
  • Pete Wassell – AR Eyewear exhibits and panel curation, and ar.org Eyewear forum
  • Patrick O’Shaughnessey – AR SDK Tutorial
  • Dave Lorenzini – Google Glass Workshop
  • Matt Szymczyk – Curation of VC panel for startup launchpad
  • Chris Grayson – Business Track Moderator and Curator
  • Damon Hernandez – Technology Track Moderator
  • Avi Bar Zeev – Curation of Speakers
  • Nick Pinkston – Hardware Startup Meetup
  • Steve Mann – Curation of the AR Wearables exhibit and ar.org Eyewear forum
  • BC Bierman and Ean Mering – CityVisions Development
  • Brian Mullins, Adrian David Cheok – ar.org Board Advisors, curation and sponsorships
  • …And many more volunteers during the event!

Thank you all – you are AWEsome!

Ori Inbar – AWE Executive Director

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