
LusoVU is a Spin-off of LusoSpace (www.lusospace.com) which inherits from its mother company a deep knowledge in state of the art technology and a DNA of quality solutions. LusoVU designs, develops, prototypes, integrates and produces Augmented Reality hardware and software solutions based on its acquired disruptive concepts that will enable it to reach beyond current paradigms of communication.

Our Mission, Vision and Values will demonstrate our drive and our goals:

Mission: To increase life by connecting people beyond the human senses.

Vision: To be the catalyzer of the new human interaction paradigm.

Values: PII, the AUGMENTED magic PI number

Passion to do great things for great people

Imagination to do special things for special people

Integrity to do the right things for the right people

LusoSpace’s work in Augmented Reality started in 2005 with a study to identify new means of communication for astronauts. By 2007  LusoSpace created its first Head Mounted Display prototype for Augmented Reality applications. Since then LusoSpace has continued its investment having achieved a totally disruptive optical solution named Lisplay™ (patent pending). While there is still development work to be done (full color, higher resolution, even  wider field of view), the first Lisplay™ proof of concept is now available and will be on show at AWE2014. Participants will be able to witness the wide field of view, lightness, low power consumption amongst other groundbreaking possibilities. The Lisplay aims at being the augmented Reality HMD holy grail; the solution puts the lens and the display in front of the user’s eye, being transparent, as thin and light allowing for the next gen HMDs to be quite similar to normal glasses. In fact the whole concept is even capable of being placed ON prescription glasses!

Visit us at booth 96 on the digital eyewear pavilion and take a peek at what the future will bring!


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