
PCH International was founded by Liam Casey in 1996, with corporate headquarters in Cork, Ireland and operational headquarters in Shenzhen, China.
Our services span all stages of the consumer product development and supply chain, from concept to delivery, and all critical steps in between. We combine our end-to-end services with a unique understanding of China and transparent partnerships to deliver absolute peace of mind to our clients.
PCH is the partner behind-the-scenes responsible for some of the most successful consumer electronics accessories launches. PCH is the enabler, turning an idea into a physical product in the hands of a consumer while optimizing quality, cost, and time-to-market for our clients.
Our clients are located all over the world, from the technology giants of Silicon Valley to every corner where promising opportunities arise. To successfully capture these opportunities, PCH has established 10 regional offices across multiple time zones, ensuring that we are always available to service and anticipate the needs of our clients.

PCH is an Award Sponsor for Best Connected Hardware at Augmented World Expo 2013.





1 Comment

  1. May 20, 2013, 10:11 am   /  Reply

    Hi Brady,
    I’m not sure if what we do is relevant? We are putting together ‘The Guide to Dynamic Digital Communication’. We are trying to educate people on AR. Our function is to provide sales ideas to 3,000 channel partners and educate end users via various means such as shows & exhibitions across the world, daily newspaper etc. http://www.tgddc.com

    Would you like to explain to our channel what your company has to offer and so receive sales leads? Is so register a corporate listing on http://www.ddrmag.com/submit . It is free.

    We are also looking for companies who have a high degree of expertise for our ‘Ask the Experts’ sessions. Please get in touch if you are interested and I will send you details.

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