
Alan works at the intersection of strategy and innovation, helping clients envision how emerging tools and approaches can transform their operations. An experienced facilitator, public speaker, and entrepreneur, Alan is a leader in Deloitte’s federal innovation offering. He has published papers on topics ranging from Augmented Reality to re-imagining the US prison system, and has presented at innovation-related events across the globe. Alan graduated from Duke University in 2005, and received his Masters degree from Carnegie Melon in 2007. He is an alumnus of Deloitte’s GovLab Fellows Program, the Coro Fellowship in Public Affairs, the Education Policy Fellowship Program, and the Funded Founders Institute for Entrepreneurship.

Company: Deloitte Consulting LLP http://www.deloitte.com/view/en_US/us/Industries/US-federal-government/federal-focus/govlab/7e14cf9dc091f310VgnVCM2000003356f70aRCRD.htm
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