Nomination for Auggie Award: Best AR SDK
Creator: Wikitude GmbH
Organization: Wikitude GmbH
With the Wikitude SDK, we’ve simplified and streamlined the entire augmented reality creation process. When we set out to build an SDK for developers around the world to use, our key goal was to make it as simple and easy to use as possible. We also wanted to make sure that as many developers as possible would be able to use our technology right out of the box. To achieve this, we stripped the technology down to it’s bare minimum, and set about building an SDK that can be used to build world class augmented reality experience upon standard web technologies – HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. With this approach, developers across multiple programming specialties do not need to learn any new languages, and can simply build upon their existing skillset. This method dramatically reduces development times, allowing products to be launched faster, and ultimately, at a lower cost to the end client.
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