
TWNKLS is a full-service AR bureau that focuses on the creation, development and implementation of mobile AR applications. Our clients are represented in the cultural, retail, edutainment, marketing & branding, construction & industry sectors.


1 Comment

  1. May 20, 2013, 9:58 am   /  Reply

    Dear Gerban,
    I was interested to read about your company as we are putting together ‘The Guide to Dynamic Digital Communication’. We are trying to educate people on AR. Our function is to provide sales ideas to 3,000 channel partners and educate end users via various means such as shows & exhibitions across the world, daily newspaper etc. http://www.tgddc.com

    Would you like to explain to our channel what your company has to offer and so receive sales leads? Is so register a corporate listing on http://www.ddrmag.com/submit . It is free.

    We are also looking for companies who have a high degree of expertise for our ‘Ask the Experts’ sessions. Please get in touch if you are interested and I will send you details.

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